Xavier Olive research teaching python blog til cli

I am a research scientist, passionate about aviation, maps and data.

My research interests include Data Science, Machine Learning and Decision Science applied to aviation, with a particular focus on optimisation, anomaly and pattern detection. Applications range from air traffic management, operations, predictive maintenance, safety analyses and risk assessment.

Outside office hours, I love to learn new things, especially when it comes to:


2025Program Committee Member for the 15th SESAR Innovation Days, 13th OpenSky Symposium, 44th DASC conference
2025 Track chair “Air Traffic Management”, for the 25th ICNS conference.
2025 I am chairing the 2nd workshop on open science in aviation, with a specific focus on the tangram platform.
2024Directeur de recherche, full professor (rang A) equivalent in PhD committees
2024Qualification aux fonctions de professeur des universités (section 27)
2023Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier

» Past news


I appreciate a good cup of tea and/or coffee.
My preference goes for siphon coffee brewer and AeroPress.

I enjoy working with vim or VS Code, git, Python, Observable, and OCaml.

I am (now less of) a compulsive language learner
I should be able to get into trouble in 🇪🇸 🇮🇹 🇳🇱 🇵🇹 🇸🇪 🇹🇼 🇭🇰
I can get myself out of trouble in 🇫🇷 🇬🇧 🇩🇪 🇯🇵

I have some kind obsessional disorder with, among other things, maps.

I collect translations of Le Petit Prince.

There is some history between me and planes.

